Honda Make big Changes in Prices of there Bikes || Comfort Rides


Atlas Hona is going to make a big change in the prices of there bikes from July 2020. This time honda bounce back with a big change in the bike prices. Honda makes a little change in the prices in March 2020 now they put a big change in the prices. They change the price up to 20'000 which is a big change till now by Atlas honda.

So here are the complete details of Honda Bike Prices.

Honda CD70 / CD Dream

Variant Old Price New Price Difference
Honda CD70  PKR 75'500/ PKR 76,900/ 1400
Honda CD Dream PKR 80'500/ PKR 82,500/ 2000
Honda CD70


Honda Pridor Price

Model Old Price New Price Increase
Honda Pridor PKR 105'500/ PKR 107,500/ 2000
Honda Pridor


Honda CG125 Price

Variant Old Price New Price Increase
Honda CG125 PKR 126'500/ PKR 128,900/ 2400
Honda CG125 Self Start PKR 149'900/ PKR 152,900/ 3000
Honda CG125 Self Special Edition PKR 151'900/ PKR 154,900/ 3000
Honda CG125


Honda CB125F / CB125F Special Edition

Variant Old Price New Price Increase
Honda CB125F PKR 175'500/ PKR 185,500/ 10,000
Honda CB125F Special Edition PKR 177'500/ PKR 187,500/ 10,000


Honda CB150F Price

Model Old Price New Price Increase
Honda CB150F PKR 219'500/ PKR 239,500/ 20,000


Honda CB250F Price

Model  Old Price New Price
Honda CB250F PKR 640'000/ Unchanged

Honda Bikes Full Price List (July-2020)

Model / Variant Old Price New Price Increase
Honda CD70  PKR 75,500/ PKR 76,900/ 1400
Honda CD Dream PKR 80'500/ PKR 82,500/ 2000
Honda Pridor PKR 105'500/ PKR 107,500/ 2000
Honda CG125 PKR 126'500/ PKR 128,900/ 2400
Honda CG125S PKR 149'900/ PKR 152,900/ 3000
Honda CG125S Special Edition PKR 151'900/ PKR 154,900/ 3000
Honda CB125F PKR 175'500/ PKR 185,500/ 10,000
Honda CB125F Special Edition PKR 177'500/ PKR 187,500/ 10,000
Honda CB150F PKR 219'500/ PKR 239,500/ 20,000
Honda CB250F PKR 640,000/ Unchanged ---